Saturday, April 7, 2018

In the Great Rooster State

In the great rooster state
Censorship roosts on silken nests
It was once invention hatching forth
From the vast territory; first paper
Then printing - spreading words
From scholar to farmer to peasant

Circling back round from peasant
To farmer to scholar, but the state
Blocked the sharing of words
Stuffing them into hoarder's nests
Under mounds of crumpled paper,
Inventions no longer coming forth

From mulberry bark and hemp came forth
A media facilitating friendship of peasants
The folding of tears creasing the paper
Rending the giver a pleasant state
And the receiver a bluebird's nest
Of joy in the sharing of words

Characters upon blocks were words
Copied again from here forth
Lifting love from where it nests
Poetry for scholars and peasants
Living in a magical state
Of printing joy on pieces of paper

Inventive minds hid behind paper
Walls of red, citing king's words
Of props and a jesterflex state
While nothing new has come forth
From scholar, farmer, or peasant,
All ideas have left their nests

In a henhouse full of heavy nests
Brimming with eggs yoked to paper
And people rising far above the peasant
In stature, deed, and of course words
All hail from this day forth
The power of the people state

Peasant scholars of the state
Bringing paper-less words forth
Lining nests with empty words

---A Sestina

In celebration of National Poetry Month (April),
I am joining many others in an attempt
to write and post a poem a day.
After years of inactivity
this blog should soon be swirling in words,
if it all works as planned!
Maureen Thorson has a wonderful site which links to many, many poem-a-day blogs. Be sure to take a look at it, one never knows what one will find!!!

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